Sports Illustrated and Entertainment Weekly collaborated with Land Rover to create a compelling campaign around the Land Rover Discovery Sport vehicle to build affinity, generate sales, and highlight treasured moments that are fueled by curiosity and a thirst for discovery. ”Discover the Undiscovered” took a stunning and powerful look at the beauty of taking the road less traveled with an engaging video series that featured millennials embarking on awe-inspiring cross-country adventures to embrace and explore the richness of the world around them.

The video series lived across Sports Illustrated channels and partner sites with the custom #Undiscovered hashtag, native promotional touts, co-branded and lightbox ad units, and was amplified by talent, the brand’s social platforms, and via a content hub on Land Rover USA’s site.

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Night Sky

Three exceptional millennials (Caroline Gleich (mountaineer, and environmental activist), Paul Robinson (astronomer), and Forest Woodward (adventure photographer) trekked to Moab, Utah to experience the majesty of a true night sky first hand. The remote setting highlighted the need for a capable vehicle like the Land Rover Sport. Once there, they were able to off-road in a purposeful way to get the best view and watch the amazing night sky spectacle unfold, showcasing the vehicle as their partner in crime.


Glowing Waters

Actually seeing the surreal phenomenon of bioluminescent beings lighting up the sea’s waters depends on myriad factors—including seasonal tides and moon phases. There are only a few places where it can be counted on and even then it’s never a guarantee. That’s part of what makes it special.

In this episode, a kayak building local expert and guide (Kilii Fish), a Florida-based marine biologist (Mariana Fuentes), and an outdoor photographer Dylan First) teamed up in the San Juan Islands for a journey in search of these tiny, glowing microorganisms.

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Surf To Soil

In this episode, five New Yorkers drove to Glebocki Farms in Goshen, NY to realize their own individual discoveries through meal sharing and discovering new members of their surrounding community. The meal participants selected make unique and worthy contributions to the motley fabric of New York, bringing their individual journeys to the communal table and inspiring each other to seek out the unknown and undiscovered people, cuisines, and places that are hiding in plain sight right at home.

Featured talent include: Camille Becerra (chef at Navy restaurant), Shuchi Mittal (a veteran meal sharing host), Chris Williams and Jeff Shroeder (founders of Union Surfboard in Brooklyn), John Glebocki (farmer), and Daniel Krieger (photographer).


Chevy Colorado: Adventure Series


Fleurs De Prairie: Seeds of Beauty Event Sponsorships